Welcome to the latest edition of Human-Centered Change & Innovation Weekly!
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Guest Post from Geoffrey A. Moore
We are well into our first decade of digital transformation, with both the successes and the scars to show for it, and we can see there is a long way to go. Realistically, there is probably never a finish line, so I think it is time for us to pause and take stock of what we have learned, and how best we can proceed from here. Here are three lessons to take to heart. » Read the article |
Guest Post from Art Inteligencia
In a world that is constantly changing, the only constant is the need for creativity and innovation. As we celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day, it’s essential to recognize that these two forces are the lifeblood of human advancement and the cornerstone of sustainable development. » Read the article |
Guest Post from Stefan Lindegaard
What are the traits and characteristics for a new generation of leaders, those who will shape the future in this sea of uncertainty? To me, this is more about mindset than age. However, the mindset which I hint at below and that I believe we need more of reside well within the younger generation. » Read the article |
Guest Post from Mike Shipulski
Without a problem, there can be no progress. And only after there’s too much no progress is a problem is created. And once the problem is created, there can be progress. » Read the article |
Guest Post from Robyn Bolton
Unintended consequences often catch us off guard despite their predictability. The moment they occur, we gasp in shock, shake our heads, and look at each other in wide-eyed horror at this thing that just happened that we could never ever ever have anticipated. » Read the article |
Guest Post from Shep Hyken |
One of my favorite ways to measure a customer’s satisfaction level with a company or brand is by using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question, which is, “On a scale of zero to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?” If the customer answers with a nine or a 10, they are known as a “promoter.” The insight is ... » Read the article |
Guest Post from Greg Satell |
A few years ago, I published an article about no-code software platforms, which was very well received. Before long, however, I began to get angry — and sometimes downright nasty — comments from software engineers who were horrified by the notion that you can produce software without actually understanding ... » Read the article |
We hope you had a great 2023 and that your new year gets off to a flying start! Please be sure and follow me on LinkedIn!
I hope you enjoyed this week's contributions from our guest authors. Future editions will arrive each Tuesday.
Please direct all speaking and workshop requests, commissioned writing inquiries, and podcast appearance queries to info@bradenkelley.com.
And, reply to this email if you would like to contribute articles to this newsletter. Sincerely, Your Host - Braden Kelley
Human-Centered Change & Innovation Weekly hosted by Braden Kelley, Seattle, WA, USA |